Emergency Action Plan: Is your company ready?


Emergency Action Plans aren't just a great idea, they are required by OSHA in many circumstances. A properly created EAP provides a blueprint for action should an emergency occur. A poorly created plan, or not having one at all, opens a range of dangerous situations for your employees, staff, vendors, and clients, as well as liability issues for your company.

  • Have you considered all emergency types, ranging from man-made to natural?
    Workplace Violence
    Civil Unrest
    Toxic Materials
    Utility Disruption

  • Your Emergency Action Plan should think through each of those scenarios from start to finish.

Do you have a list of emergency responders, names, and contact numbers?

Do you have a plan of who will be responsible on your team to (a) focus on the emergency internally and (b) reach out for help externally?

Do your employees and staff have an evacuation plan that is clearly marked and has it been practiced? Are different plans needed for different scenarios? Is there a rendezvous area for headcounts?

Do you have access to personal contact information for employees and staff in the event a family member must be contacted immediately?

Is there a clear and precise chain of command regarding who is in charge in the event someone is missing or affected by the emergency?

These plans are critical and should include, if they don't already, security and patrols such as those provided by Maxxguard.

Having a regular patrol from Maxxguard could have an immediate positive impact if such an emergency were to occur, including proper response time and methods, assisting with outside contacts, and supervising any abandoned areas in the event of an emergency, as well as many other possible scenarios.

Call Maxxguard at (731) 427-7222 to discuss how we can be an integral part of your Emergency Action Plan.


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