New Year = time for security check-up

It’s a brand new year, and while evaluating everything else in your business - take a moment to evaluate one of the most serious areas: SECURITY!

In the most recent statistics, 1 out of every 10 small businesses experienced a burglary incident. 1 out of every 10.

Could your commercial or retail business realize benefits from a regular security patrol?

Here are three areas you need to consider when determining the security of your business.

Parking Lot

Your parking lot could very well be a scene for many types of crimes. While large lots obviously present security risks, small lots also draw vandals and burglars.

Parking lot crimes may occur during the day when shoppers or workers are inside the building away from their vehicles, or at night when valuable inventory is unattended and those going to and from their vehicles are more at risk.

While lighting can provide some security, that alone often serves only to slightly discourage or may unwittingly assist (lighting can actually help burglars see what is inside a vehicle) a burglar. Video cameras are also a discourager, however, they serve primarily to document a crime after it has occurred. The victim is still victimized.

A live, on-foot, or in-vehicle patrolling security guard is obviously a much stronger add-on to your security arsenal. Not only is a Maxxguard security patrol providing a visible, moving deterrent, but can also keep their trained eyes on your property to detect suspicious activity or vulnerable areas that need to be addressed.

Multiple Entrances and Exits

If your business features multiple entrances and exits, either in the same building or in multiple buildings, this also is a security issue. Multiple doors, loading docks, etc. also allow multiple entry points for thieves. Again, while lighting and video cameras are a benefit, an additional layer of mobile security patrols helps safeguard your business from unwanted intruders. Maxxguard security patrols may also be able to double-check gates, doors, etc. on your property in after-hours or holiday situations.

Rising Crime Location

Businesses often find themselves in locations where crime rates have increased. Other businesses may have warehouses or other extensions of their business that are in similar situations. Roving patrols provide a visual deterrent for criminals who may decide your location isn't worth the risk. Maxxguard security patrols also increase the likelihood that someone is present while police may take several minutes to reach your destination.

Call us today to discuss the options available for your business. Maxxguard has been serving the West Tennessee area since 1979 and continues to serve our clients in a professional manner. Our annual client retention rate of 98% underscores our ability to deliver on our security promise. Call (731) 427-7222 and let's begin to improve your security response now.


5 Reasons Maxxguard should be providing security for your industry


Which mobile patrol option is best?