Which mobile patrol option is best?

Mobile patrol security is one of the overall best ways to secure your property. With mobile patrolling, our security officers are able to monitor, survey, and observe your company site or another property.

There are multiple options available, which is best for your business?

Patrol Service:

Maxxguard's Mobile patrolling utilizes highly skilled officers driving visible and recognizable vehicles around your property. This enables them to deter potential criminal activity, quickly respond to alarms and if needed, escort workers into and out of business premises. Our services may also include transportation of important papers or financials to and from other locations or financial institutions.

Random Checks:

This security option takes advantage of random monitoring of a property, which can also increase security. Criminals typically carry out their activities at quieter times on the property when few are present. Random checks can include these hours and since they are not on a specific time schedule, thieves have a difficult time planning around scheduled security checks.

Custom Patrol Security:

Maxxguard also provides custom patrol security services to many of our clients. These custom options may including closing gates, foot checks of exterior and/or interior areas, and more. Let’s talk about how we can customize a plan specifically for your property.

Relying on Maxxguard for your security needs is a smart, affordable, and professional decision.

Call us today to talk about your needs and how Maxxguard can help, at (731) 427-7222.


New Year = time for security check-up


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