Maxxguard Blog & Resources

Harvey Boyd Harvey Boyd

Time for security check

Time for a Security Check!

In the most recent statistics, 1 out of every 10 small businesses experienced a burglary incident. 1 out of every 10. Could your commercial or retail business realize benefits from a regular security patrol?

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Harvey Boyd Harvey Boyd

Which mobile patrol option is best?

Mobile patrol security is one of the overall best ways to secure your property. With mobile patrolling, our security officers are able to monitor, survey, and observe your company site or a other property…

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Harvey Boyd Harvey Boyd

What do patrol security guards check?

At Maxxguard, we customize each client's services and service area based on their individual needs and concerns.

Our security guards, depending upon the client, are well trained to provide the following services:

Checking entrance and exit points.

Checking, and double-checking entrances and….

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Harvey Boyd Harvey Boyd

When regular delivery isn’t good enough

There are times when standard delivery methods: postal service, common carriers such as UPS or FedEx, etc….are choices you either can’t or choose not to rely upon.

Especially during holiday seasons, those delivery services are under such heavy demand, time reliability and/or lost items are a real liability.

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Harvey Boyd Harvey Boyd

Threat of Holiday Vandalism and Theft

Holidays are open invitations for vandals and thieves.

With holidays comes a number of risks for businesses. In most cases, holidays result in smaller staff, or none at all, for periods of time at your business.

From a vandal or a thief's point of view, nothing could be more tempting.

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Harvey Boyd Harvey Boyd

Why warehouse security is important.

Warehouses, by their very nature, are likely filled with valuable stock or other valuable items. They are also typically remote, with few employees, and many vacant hours. Thieves are attracted to scenarios just like these.

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