Hospital & Retail Parking Lot Vandalism and Crime Incidents


Some types of businesses may be more aware of crime than others. Some businesses and organizations have special security concerns. Here are two, and how Maxxguard can help.

Retail parking lots.

Were you aware that 10% of property crimes occur in parking lots? When busy, these lots are packed with vehicles, drivers, and passengers. Virtually every type of crime can and does occur. From car theft, to burglary, illicit transactions, even violent altercations. The size of a large retail parking lot makes it difficult, if not impossible for businesses to monitor. Maxxguard can patrol lots during busy times to deter bad behavior, as well as after hours to deter theft and vandalism.

Hospitals, pharmacies, and medical offices.

Medical facilities have unique security issues. They are often visited by a great number of people at their worst moments. It is not uncommon for medical personnel to be harmed by family members. Other concerns include prescription medications that could be a target for thieves. Maxxguard can assist with property protection, scheduled patrols, employee escorts, and more.

For more details about Maxxguard services, call our office at (731) 427-7222.


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